Blues Bitch schrieb am Donnerstag, 5. Oktober 2017:
Nobody wants you if you are seventy-eight. Well, except if you are Ian Hunter. He looked like a bit of a dandy, as he walked on stage with a glass of champagne (or something like that) in his hand, dressed sporty, his lion’s mane still there, although thinning and less blonde. Always wearing shades, he is one of a kind. He is still on top of the game. His voice, his guitar und especially piano skills are as good as ever. After half an hour he took a pill, presumably medicine (or something else). Another half hour later, again (now it looked like a funny act, but you never know). For half a century on stage and on the road, he needs no tricks. And the new songs are as good as the old ones. It was admirable to hear him blend together two new songs (›When I’m President pigs are gonna fly‹, ›Saint‹) with an old one (›The Truth, the Whole Truth, Nuthin‘ but the Thruth‹), beautifully crafted and played. But he didn’t. He could have. But he didn’t play ›Gun Control‹, the song from 1981. »The president’s with us boys, so join in the fun. / We can make a lot of money if we stick to our guns.« Perhaps Hunter (no pun intended) is aware of the fact that in the USA there are fathers who give their 12-year-old daughters a pink .22-caliber rifle as a birthday present and that there is a real ›gun culture‹, where people stick together like glue. Nothing will change after the Las Vegas bloodbath. So the artist is ›Stranded In Reality‹ (Ltd Edition Box Set with 30 CDs), like his colleagues who write and play, but can’t change the brutal reality and the people with their stone age brains. »But what can a poor boy do / Except to sing for a rock ’n‘ roll band?«